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Script de montage de lecteurs réseaux

@echo off
REM variables definition
set ver_network=7
REM special characters table (most used)
REM replace the accentuated char by its DOS value in path# and desc# vars
REM windows | DOS
REM    â    |  ƒ
REM    à    |  …
REM    ä    |  „ 
REM    é    |  ‚
REM    ê    |  ˆ
REM    è    |  Š
REM    ë    |  ‰
REM    î    |  Œ
REM    ï    |  ‹
REM    ô    |  “
REM    ö    |  ”
REM    û    |  –
REM    ù    |  —
REM    ü    |  
REM Set the environment variables path# and desc#
REM example:
REM pathA="\\server_name\my share with spaces"
REM descA=The description of my share (optional)
set pathA=
set descA=
set pathB=
set descB=
set pathE=
set descE=
set pathF=
set descF=
set pathG=
set descG=
set pathH=
set descH=
set pathI=
set descI=
set pathJ=
set descJ=
set pathK=
set descK=
set pathL=
set descL=
set pathM=
set descM=
set pathN=
set descN=
set pathO=
set descO=
set pathP=
set descP=
set pathQ=
set descQ=
set pathR=
set descR=
set pathS=
set descS=
set pathT=
set descT=
set pathU=
set descU=
set pathV=
set descV=
set pathW=
set descW=
set pathX=
set descX=
set pathY=
set descY=
set pathZ=
set descZ=
REM command line parameters
if "%1"=="" set interactive=oui
if "%1"=="/unmount" goto unmountAll
if "%1"=="/mount" goto mountAll
if "%1"=="/?" goto syntaxe
if "%1"=="/help" goto syntaxe
if "%1"=="/version" goto version
REM Main menu
if defined interactive call mode con cols=80 lines=50
echo Mapping network drives v%ver_network%
echo -------------------------
echo Choose your option:
echo  - Unmount all drives.
echo  + Mount all drives.
echo  1 mount only 1 drive.
echo  ? List drives.
echo  0 Quit.
set /p choix=Your choice:
if not "%choix%"=="" set lettre=%choix:~0,1%
if #%choix%==#- goto unmountAll
if #%choix%==#+ goto mountAll
if #%choix%==#1 goto mount1
if #%choix%==#? goto showDrives
if #%choix%==#0 goto fin
echo Out of range!
goto mainmenu
echo Unmount all network drives...
call net use * /delete /y
if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto fin
if ERRORLEVEL 0 echo Unmount OK!
if defined interactive goto mainmenu
goto fin
for %%a in (A B E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) do if defined path%%a call :mount %%a
if defined interactive goto mainmenu
goto fin
echo List defined drives
call :listelecteurs
if #%choix%==#? goto mainmenu
echo  7 Main menu
echo  0 Quit
set /p lettre=Your choice:
if not "%lettre%"=="" call :UpperCase lettre
set lettre=%lettre:~0,1%
if %lettre%==7 goto mainmenu
if %lettre%==0 goto fin
for %%a in (A B E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) do if %lettre%==%%a call :mount %%a
if defined interactive goto mainmenu
goto fin
REM Subroutine : mount a network drive
echo Mount drive %1:
echo Path: %%path%1%%
echo Description: %%desc%1%%
if exist %1:\. call net use %1: /delete
if defined path%1 call net use %1: %%path%1%% /persistent:yes
REM Subroutine : convert a variable VALUE to all UPPER CASE.
REM The argument for this subroutine is the variable NAME.
for %%i in ("a=A" "b=B" "c=C" "d=D" "e=E" "f=F" "g=G" "h=H" "i=I" "j=J" "k=K" "l=L" "m=M" "n=N" "o=O" "p=P" "q=Q" "r=R" "s=S" "t=T" "u=U" "v=V" "w=W" "x=X" "y=Y" "z=Z") do call set "%1=%%%1:%%~i%%"
REM Subroutine : list configured drives (path# vars)
for %%a in (A B E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) do if defined path%%a call echo  %%a %%path%%a%% (%%desc%%a%%)
echo %0 version %ver_network%
goto fin
echo Syntax : %0 [/mount^|/unmount^|/version]
echo /mount   : mount all configured network drives
echo /unmount : unmount all drives
echo /version : show version
set ver_network=
set interactive=
set lettre=
set choix=
for %%a in (A B E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) do if defined path%%a call set path%%a=
for %%a in (A B E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z) do if defined desc%%a call set desc%%a=
windows/script_montage_lecteurs_reseaux.1498469702.txt.gz · Dernière modification: 2017/06/26 11:35 de pascal